Conditions & Treatments

The medical professionals and staff at MEDICALPOINT INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL have extensive experience. Here is a list of some prevalent conditions and diseases that we commonly address.


Nasolacrımal Duct Obstructıon

The tear that is produced in lacrimal glands drains to tiny ducts through the holes (punctum) located at the nasal side of upper and lower eyelids and finally to the lacrimal sac. The tear duct (nasolacrimal canal) communicates the lacrimal sac to the nasal cavity. Excess drainage of the tear into the nasal cavity is the underlying cause of runny nose in crying people.

Retinal Tear and Retinal Detachment

Certain symptoms, such as sudden-onset flashes of light and floaters before the eye may be the sign of retinal tear or posterior vitreous detachment – a condition characterized by separation of vitreous (a gel-like fluid that fills in the eye) from the retina. Age-dependent changes in the vitreous weaken the bonds between the retina and the gel. The vitreous can separate from the retina spontaneously or due to trauma. It is more common in myopic patients. Cataract operation and traumas facilitate the detachment.

What Is a Pterygium (Surfer’s Eye)?

Pterygium, publicly known as “surfer’s eye”, is a common eye condition in our country. It is more common in people who live in dry and warm climates, work outdoors and are exposed to sun and dust. Certain people, such as sailors and farmers, should wear hats and sunglasses for protection.

What is Diabetic Retinopathy?

Certain symptoms, such as sudden-onset flashes of light and floaters before the eye may be the sign of retinal tear or posterior vitreous detachment – a condition characterized by separation of vitreous (a gel-like fluid that fills in the eye) from the retina. Age-dependent changes in the vitreous weaken the bonds between the retina and the gel. The vitreous can separate from the retina spontaneously or due to trauma. It is more common in myopic patients. Cataract operation and traumas facilitate the detachment.

What Is Keratoconus?

Keratoconus is a serious eye condition which occurs when the cornea, the clear layer of the eye, protrudes in the form of a cone and becomes thin, resulting in severe loss of vision. The recent technological advancements lead to the fact that the condition can be diagnosed more easily and the incidence of the condition in the general population increased.