Nutrition and Dietetics
Biochemistry is a science field which studies chemical reactions that take place in organisms and it is one of health and life sciences’ keystones. Besides traditional disciplines like molecular biology, cellular biology and enzyme biology, Science also involves newer scientific areas suc as geonomics, proteomics and bioinformatics.
What is a diet?
It is a healthy nutrition program prepared specifically for you by professional dietitians according to your body type and needs, so that you do not risk your health by consuming more or less of the foods you consume in daily life. In general, after your ideal weight is determined by calculating your body mass index according to gender, age and weight criteria, a diet list is created for you to consume the nutrients you need. Your dietitian may request different tests and analyzes when deemed necessary.
At this point, when meeting with your dietitian, it would be useful to specify the foods that you can never give up eating. While indispensable foods are added to your diet list, some foods are removed from the list so that you can have a correct and balanced diet, thus ensuring a healthy diet. Contrary to popular belief, dieting is not about starving, but about having a healthy body by eating constantly and balancedly with intermediate foods.
Special Diet Treatments for Diseases
Diet Tracking During Pregnancy
Healthy Nutrition in Childhood
Individual Diet
Nutrition in Functional Medicine
Gluten-Free Diet